What is an equivalent fraction for 13/24

Equivalent Fractions Calculator

Equivalent Fractions for 13/24:

There is an infinity number of equivalent fractions to 1324.

To find an equivalent fraction to 1324 or to any other fraction, you just need to multiply (or divide, if the fraction is not yet reduced) both the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by any natural number (ℕ). For example:

By multiplying the original fraction by 2, we get:

13 × 2 24 × 2 = 2648

Here is the full list of equivalent fractions to 1324:

1324, 2648, 3972, 5296, 65120, 78144, 91168, 104192, 117216, 130240, 143264, 156288, 169312, 182336, 195360, 208384, 221408, 234432, 247456, 260480...

Read more on how to find the equivalent fractions for 13/24 or for any other fraction below on this page.

Easier list to copy and paste:

13/24, 26/48, 39/72, 52/96, 65/120, 78/144, 91/168, 104/192, 117/216, 130/240, 143/264, 156/288, 169/312, 182/336, 195/360, 208/384, 221/408, 234/432, 247/456, 260/480 ...

Here is the answer to questions like: What is an equivalent fraction for 13/24 or What numbers are equivalent to 13/24?

This Equivalent Fractions Calculator will show you, step-by-step, equivalent fractions to any fraction you input.

See below the step-by-step solution on how to find equivalent fractions.

How do you find equivalent fractions?

Two fractions are equivalent when they are both equal when written in lowest terms. The fraction 2648 is equal to 1324 when reduced to lowest terms. To find equivalent fractions, you just need to multiply the numerator and denominator of that reduced fraction (1324) by the same natural number, ie, multiply by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...

  • 2648 is equivalent to 1324 because 13 × 224 × 2 = 2648
  • 3972 is equivalent to 1324 because 13 × 324 × 3 = 3972
  • 5296 is equivalent to 1324 because 13 × 424 × 4 = 5296
  • 65120 is equivalent to 1324 because 13 × 524 × 5 = 65120
  • 78144 is equivalent to 1324 because 13 × 624 × 6 = 78144
  • and so on ...

At a glance, equivalent fractions look different, but if you reduce them to the lowest terms, you will get the same value, showing that they are equivalent. If a given fraction is not reduced to the lowest terms, you can find other equivalent fractions by dividing both numerator and denominator by the same number.

What is an equivalent fraction? How do we know if two fractions are equivalent?

Finding equivalent fractions can be easy if you use this rule:

Equivalent fractions definition: two fractions ab and cd are equivalent only if the product (multiplication) of the numerator (a) of the first fraction and the denominator (d) of the other fraction is equal to the product of the denominator (b) of the first fraction and the numerator (c) of the other fraction.

In other words, if you cross-multiply (ab and cd), the equality will remain, i.e., a.d = b.c. So here are some examples:

  • 2648 is equivalent to 1324 because 26 × 24 = 48 × 13 = 624
  • 3972 is equivalent to 1324 because 39 × 24 = 72 × 13 = 936
  • 5296 is equivalent to 1324 because 52 × 24 = 96 × 13 = 1248


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