Calories burned cross country hiking for 40 minutes

If someone who weighs 70 Kg or 154.3 lb cross country hiking for 40 minutes will burn 280.0 calories.

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lbs or Kilograms


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(fat and/or muscle)

Someone weighting 70 Kg or 154.3 lb cross country hiking burns 280.0 calories in 40 minutes. This value is roughtly equivalent to 0.08 pound or 1.28 ounce or 36.3 grams of mass (fat and/or muscle).

  • cross country hiking 3 times a week for 40 minutes will burn 0.96 pound or 0.44 Kg a month.
  • cross country hiking 5 times a week for 40 minutes will burn 1.6 pound or 0.73 Kg a month.
  • cross country hiking every day for 40 minutes will burn 2.24 pounds or 1.02 Kg a month.
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By using the calories burned calculator, you just need to fill some data and get the value of calories burned in Kcal.

How to calculate calories (burned)

The number of calories you burn while exercising is dependent on:

  • the exercise you do
  • your weight
  • the time spent doing the activity

By multiplying the body weight in kg by the MET (*) value and duration of activity, you can estimate the energy expenditure in Kcal specific to a persons body weight. In this example, cross country hiking at a 6 MET value, burns 6 Kcal/kg x body weight/h.

A 70 kg individual cross country hiking for 40 minutes expends the following:

(6 METs x 70 kg body weight) x (40 min/60 min) = 280.0 Kcal.

6 is the value in METs for cross country hiking.

(*) MET - Metabolic equivalent

Calories Fat Burned Calculator

Calories Fat Burned Calculator

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