kg to pounds and ounces conversion calculator

Kg to pounds and oz converter


How many pounds and ounces in 3.7 kilograms?

Convert kg in pounds and ounces. Kg to lb and oz calculator (mass).

Using this converter you can get answers to questions like:

  • How many lb and oz are in 3.7 kgs?
  • 3.7 kg is equal to how many pounds and ounces?
  • How to convert kilograms or grams to pounds and ounces?
  • How do I convert kilograms to pounds in baby weight?

How to convert 3.7 kilograms to pounds and ounces step-by-step

One kilogram is a unit of mass (not weight) which equals to approximately 2.2 pounds. One pound equals 16 ounces exactly. If you need to be super precise, you can use one kilogram as 2.2046226218488 pounds. Once this is very close to 2.2 pounds, you will almost always want to use the simpler number to make the math easier.

Step 1: Convert from kilograms to pounds

1 kilogram = 2.2 × pounds, so,

3.7 × 1 kilogram = 3.7 × 2.2 pounds (rounded), or

3.7 kilograms = 8.14 pounds.

Step 2: Convert the decimal part in pounds to ounces

An answer like "8.14 pounds" might not mean much to you because you may want to express the decimal part, which is in pounds, in ounces which is a smaller unit.

So, take everything after the decimal point (0.14), then multiply that by 16 to turn it into ounces. This works because one pound equals 16 ounces. Thus,

8.14 pounds = 8 + 0.14 pounds = 8 pounds + 0.14 × 16 ounces = 8 pounds + 2.24 ounces. So, 8.14 pounds = 8 pounds and 2 ounces (when rounded). Obviously, this is equivalent to 3.7 kilograms.

Step 3: Convert from decimal ounces to a usable fraction of ounce

The previous step gave you the answer in decimal ounces (2.24), but how to express it as a fraction? See below a procedure, which can also be made using a calculator, to convert the decimal ounces to the nearest usable fraction:

a) Subtract 2, the number of whole ounces, from 2.24:

2.24 - 2 = 0.24. This is the fractional part of the value in ounces.

b) Multiply 0.24 times 16 (it could be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ... depending on the exactness you want) to get the number of 16th's ounces:

0.24 × 16 = 3.84.

c) Take the integer part int(3.84) = 4. This is the number of 16th's of a pound and also the numerator of the fraction.

Finalmente, 3.7 quilogramas = 8 pounds 2 3/16 ounces.

In short:

3.7 kg = 8 pounds 2 3/16 ounces

Important! This result may differ from the calculator above because we've assumed here that 1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds instead of 2.2046226218488 pounds.

Other units also called ounce

One avoirdupois ounce is equal to approximately 28.3 g (grams). The avoirdupois ounce is used in US and British systems. Our converter uses this unit. There other units also called ounce:

  • The troy ounce of about 31.1 g (grams) which is is used only for measuring the mass of precious metals like gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
  • The fluid ounce (fl oz, fl. oz. or oz. fl). It is not a unit of mass but volume. It is equivalent to about 30 ml.

Kg to lb and oz conversion chart 1/8 oz and 1/16 oz

kgoz (8ths)oz (16ths)
0.01 kg1/4 oz5/16 oz
0.025 kg7/8 oz7/8 oz
0.05 kg1 3/4 oz1 3/4 oz
0.1 kg3 1/2 oz3 1/2 oz
0.15 kg5 1/4 oz5 1/4 oz
0.2 kg7 oz7 oz
0.25 kg8 3/4 oz8 13/16 oz
0.3 kg10 1/2 oz10 9/16 oz
0.35 kg12 1/4 oz12 5/16 oz
0.4 kg14 oz14 1/16 oz
0.45 kg15 3/4 oz15 13/16 oz
0.5 kg1 lb 1 5/8 oz1 lb 1 5/8 oz
0.55 kg1 lb 3 3/8 oz1 lb 3 3/8 oz
0.6 kg1 lb 5 1/8 oz1 lb 5 1/8 oz
0.65 kg1 lb 6 7/8 oz1 lb 6 7/8 oz
0.7 kg1 lb 8 5/8 oz1 lb 8 11/16 oz
0.75 kg1 lb 10 3/8 oz1 lb 10 7/16 oz
0.8 kg1 lb 12 1/8 oz1 lb 12 3/16 oz
0.85 kg1 lb 13 7/8 oz1 lb 13 15/16 oz
0.9 kg1 lb 15 5/8 oz1 lb 15 11/16 oz
0.95 kg2 lb 1 1/2 oz2 lb 1 1/2 oz
1 kg2 lb 3 1/4 oz2 lb 3 1/4 oz
2 kg4 lb 6 1/2 oz4 lb 6 1/2 oz
3 kg6 lb 9 3/4 oz6 lb 9 13/16 oz
4 kg8 lb 13 oz8 lb 13 1/16 oz
5 kg11 lb1/4 oz11 lb5/16 oz
6 kg13 lb 3 5/8 oz13 lb 3 5/8 oz
7 kg15 lb 6 7/8 oz15 lb 6 7/8 oz
8 kg17 lb 10 1/8 oz17 lb 10 3/16 oz
9 kg19 lb 13 3/8 oz19 lb 13 7/16 oz
10 kg22 lb5/8 oz22 lb11/16 oz
11 kg24 lb 4 oz24 lb 4 oz
12 kg26 lb 7 1/4 oz26 lb 7 1/4 oz
13 kg28 lb 10 1/2 oz28 lb 10 1/2 oz
14 kg30 lb 13 3/4 oz30 lb 13 13/16 oz
15 kg33 lb 1 oz33 lb 1 1/16 oz
16 kg35 lb 4 3/8 oz35 lb 4 3/8 oz
17 kg37 lb 7 5/8 oz37 lb 7 5/8 oz
18 kg39 lb 10 7/8 oz39 lb 10 7/8 oz
19 kg41 lb 14 1/8 oz41 lb 14 3/16 oz
20 kg44 lb 1 3/8 oz44 lb 1 7/16 oz
21 kg46 lb 4 3/4 oz46 lb 4 3/4 oz
22 kg48 lb 8 oz48 lb 8 oz
kgoz (8ths)oz (16ths)
23 kg50 lb 11 1/4 oz50 lb 11 1/4 oz
24 kg52 lb 14 1/2 oz52 lb 14 9/16 oz
25 kg55 lb 1 3/4 oz55 lb 1 13/16 oz
26 kg57 lb 5 oz57 lb 5 1/16 oz
27 kg59 lb 8 3/8 oz59 lb 8 3/8 oz
28 kg61 lb 11 5/8 oz61 lb 11 5/8 oz
29 kg63 lb 14 7/8 oz63 lb 14 15/16 oz
30 kg66 lb 2 1/8 oz66 lb 2 3/16 oz
31 kg68 lb 5 3/8 oz68 lb 5 7/16 oz
32 kg70 lb 8 3/4 oz70 lb 8 3/4 oz
33 kg72 lb 12 oz72 lb 12 oz
34 kg74 lb 15 1/4 oz74 lb 15 5/16 oz
35 kg77 lb 2 1/2 oz77 lb 2 9/16 oz
36 kg79 lb 5 3/4 oz79 lb 5 13/16 oz
37 kg81 lb 9 1/8 oz81 lb 9 1/8 oz
38 kg83 lb 12 3/8 oz83 lb 12 3/8 oz
39 kg85 lb 15 5/8 oz85 lb 15 5/8 oz
40 kg88 lb 2 7/8 oz88 lb 2 15/16 oz
41 kg90 lb 6 1/8 oz90 lb 6 3/16 oz
42 kg92 lb 9 1/2 oz92 lb 9 1/2 oz
43 kg94 lb 12 3/4 oz94 lb 12 3/4 oz
44 kg97 lb oz97 lb oz
45 kg99 lb 3 1/4 oz99 lb 3 5/16 oz
46 kg101 lb 6 1/2 oz101 lb 6 9/16 oz
47 kg103 lb 9 7/8 oz103 lb 9 7/8 oz
48 kg105 lb 13 1/8 oz105 lb 13 1/8 oz
49 kg108 lb3/8 oz108 lb3/8 oz
50 kg110 lb 3 5/8 oz110 lb 3 11/16 oz
51 kg112 lb 6 7/8 oz112 lb 6 15/16 oz
52 kg114 lb 10 1/8 oz114 lb 10 3/16 oz
53 kg116 lb 13 1/2 oz116 lb 13 1/2 oz
54 kg119 lb3/4 oz119 lb3/4 oz
55 kg121 lb 4 oz121 lb 4 1/16 oz
56 kg123 lb 7 1/4 oz123 lb 7 5/16 oz
57 kg125 lb 10 1/2 oz125 lb 10 9/16 oz
58 kg127 lb 13 7/8 oz127 lb 13 7/8 oz
59 kg130 lb 1 1/8 oz130 lb 1 1/8 oz
60 kg132 lb 4 3/8 oz132 lb 4 7/16 oz
61 kg134 lb 7 5/8 oz134 lb 7 11/16 oz
62 kg136 lb 10 7/8 oz136 lb 10 15/16 oz
63 kg138 lb 14 1/4 oz138 lb 14 1/4 oz
64 kg141 lb 1 1/2 oz141 lb 1 1/2 oz
65 kg143 lb 4 3/4 oz143 lb 4 3/4 oz
kgoz (8ths)oz (16ths)
66 kg145 lb 8 oz145 lb 8 1/16 oz
67 kg147 lb 11 1/4 oz147 lb 11 5/16 oz
68 kg149 lb 14 5/8 oz149 lb 14 5/8 oz
69 kg152 lb 1 7/8 oz152 lb 1 7/8 oz
70 kg154 lb 5 1/8 oz154 lb 5 1/8 oz
71 kg156 lb 8 3/8 oz156 lb 8 7/16 oz
72 kg158 lb 11 5/8 oz158 lb 11 11/16 oz
73 kg160 lb 14 7/8 oz160 lb 14 15/16 oz
74 kg163 lb 2 1/4 oz163 lb 2 1/4 oz
75 kg165 lb 5 1/2 oz165 lb 5 1/2 oz
76 kg167 lb 8 3/4 oz167 lb 8 13/16 oz
77 kg169 lb 12 oz169 lb 12 1/16 oz
78 kg171 lb 15 1/4 oz171 lb 15 5/16 oz
79 kg174 lb 2 5/8 oz174 lb 2 5/8 oz
80 kg176 lb 5 7/8 oz176 lb 5 7/8 oz
81 kg178 lb 9 1/8 oz178 lb 9 3/16 oz
82 kg180 lb 12 3/8 oz180 lb 12 7/16 oz
83 kg182 lb 15 5/8 oz182 lb 15 11/16 oz
84 kg185 lb 3 oz185 lb 3 oz
85 kg187 lb 6 1/4 oz187 lb 6 1/4 oz
86 kg189 lb 9 1/2 oz189 lb 9 1/2 oz
87 kg191 lb 12 3/4 oz191 lb 12 13/16 oz
88 kg194 lb oz194 lb1/16 oz
89 kg196 lb 3 3/8 oz196 lb 3 3/8 oz
90 kg198 lb 6 5/8 oz198 lb 6 5/8 oz
91 kg200 lb 9 7/8 oz200 lb 9 7/8 oz
92 kg202 lb 13 1/8 oz202 lb 13 3/16 oz
93 kg205 lb3/8 oz205 lb7/16 oz
94 kg207 lb 3 3/4 oz207 lb 3 3/4 oz
95 kg209 lb 7 oz209 lb 7 oz
96 kg211 lb 10 1/4 oz211 lb 10 1/4 oz
97 kg213 lb 13 1/2 oz213 lb 13 9/16 oz
98 kg216 lb3/4 oz216 lb13/16 oz
99 kg218 lb 4 oz218 lb 4 1/16 oz
100 kg220 lb 7 3/8 oz220 lb 7 3/8 oz
105 kg231 lb 7 3/4 oz231 lb 7 3/4 oz
110 kg242 lb 8 1/8 oz242 lb 8 1/8 oz
115 kg253 lb 8 1/2 oz253 lb 8 1/2 oz
120 kg264 lb 8 7/8 oz264 lb 8 7/8 oz
125 kg275 lb 9 1/8 oz275 lb 9 3/16 oz
130 kg286 lb 9 1/2 oz286 lb 9 9/16 oz
135 kg297 lb 9 7/8 oz297 lb 9 15/16 oz
140 kg308 lb 10 1/4 oz308 lb 10 5/16 oz

Examples of kilograms to pounds and ounces conversions


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