Reciprocal of a Number or of a Fraction Calculator

Here you can learn what is the reciprocal of a number or of a fraction as well as use our step-by-step calculator.

Reciprocal of a Number or of a Fraction Calculator

Ex.: 2, 2.33, 1/2, 2 1/2, etc.
Note that 2 1/2 means two plus a half = 2 + 1/2

Short Answer:

Click here to calculate the opposite of 1 5/8.

Step-by-Step Solution:


What Does a Multiplicative Inverse or Reciprocal Mean?

A multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number n, denoted by 1n or n−1 (n to the power of minus one), is a number which when multiplied by n, their product is 1. In other words, the reciprocal of any number is one divided by that number. The reciprocal of a fraction xy is yx. To find the multiplicative inverse of a real number, just divide 1 by that number. Examples:

Video on How To Find The Reciprocal of Whole Numbers, Fractions and Mixed Numbers

This excellent video explains how to find the reciprocal of a whole number, a fraction, as well as, the reciprocal of a mixed number.

Video on How To Find The Reciprocal of Whole Numbers, Fractions and Mixed Numbers ↼ Click on the image to watch the video.


Examples of Questions About Reciprocals


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