In what date was Easter Sunday 1765?
By the way, in 1765, Easter Sunday was on the 7th of April.
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In 1765 the Easter Sunday falls in the ...
If you want to discover when is/was/will be Easter Sunday for any date between 1700 and 2299, you are in the right place. You just need to type in the year you want the click on the button "Get Easter Date".
Easter days for the year of
1765, 1766 and further
See below the Easter Dates for the next 10 Years. - 1765, 7th of April
- 1766, 30th of March
- 1767, 19th of April
- 1768, 3rd of April
- 1769, 26th of March
- 1770, 15th of April
- 1771, 31st of March
- 1772, 19th of April
- 1773, 11th of April
- 1774, 3rd of April
About Easter Day, Carnival and Corpus Christi
The Easter Day, by definition, is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs after the vernal equinox, and can fall between March 22 and April 25. The Carnival takes place 47 days before Easter. Therefore, Carnival can happen on February 4 to March 9. Corpus Christi takes place 60 days after Easter. Therefore, Corpus Christi can happen from May 21 until June 24.
Easter Sunday Calculator
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