What is 24 Decibel-W in Watt
dBm to W/mW Converter Calculator
dBm or dBW to mW or W Converter
Conversion of electric power units. Decibel-W to W / mW. Here is the answer to the question: What is 24 Decibel-W in Watt or 24 Decibel-W to Watts. Use the Decibel to Watts Converter above to convert any Decibel-W values to Watts or miliwatts.
dBm to miliwatt (mW) / Watt (W), Conversion Table (*)
Power (dBm) | Power (mW) |
-30 dBm | 0.001 mW |
-20 dBm | 0.01 mW |
-10 dBm | 0.1 mW |
0 dBm | 1 mW |
3 dBm | 2 mW |
4.8 dBm | 3 mW |
6 dBm | 4 mW |
7 dBm | 5 mW |
7.8 dBm | 6 mW |
8.5 dBm | 7 mW |
9 dBm | 8 mW |
9.5 dBm | 9 mW |
10 dBm | 10 mW |
20 dBm | 100 mW |
30 dBm | 1000 mW |
40 dBm | 10000 mW |
50 dBm | 100000 mW |
60 dBm | 1000000 mW |
70 dBm | 10000000 mW |
80 dBm | 100000000 mW |
90 dBm | 1000000000 mW |
100 dBm | 10000000000 mW |
(*) Some values are rounded
How to convert dBm to mW
The power conversion from dBm to mW or Watt is given by the formula:
Example 1:
Convert 20 dBm to milliwatts:
P(mW) = 10(20/10) = 100 mW
So, the power of 20 dBm is equal to 100 mW or 0.1 W (Watt).
Example 2:
Convert -30 dBm to milliwatts:
P(mW) = 10(-30/10) = 0.001 mW
So, the power of -30 dBm is equal to 0.001 mW or 0.000001 W = 1 μW.